When was the first shampoo invented?
In the 1900s, the meaning of the word shifted from the sense of massage to the that of applying soap to the hair.Originally, soap and...
In the 1900s, the meaning of the word shifted from the sense of massage to the that of applying soap to the hair.Originally, soap and...
Here we list out 12 things that the world’s richest man owns:
This is the urban world’s age-old debate.
Revelations about apps from the Google Play Store sneaking past available protections and collecting gobs of user data
These things you must do to prevent eye diseases caused by constant use of smartphones
If there is one household job that we are constantly faced with, it is doing the laundry. By the time you`ve got through the mountain...
Google reports surge in police requests on mobile location data. Investigators have been using Google to find suspects and witnesses near crimes, and now the...