Starting June 12, the interactive show will air from Wednesday to Sunday on Facebook’s dedicated video platform – Facebook Watch.
Social networking giant Facebook on Tuesday announced its first interactive game show, titled “Confetti” in India.

First launched in the US, the interactive game will challenge participants to answer pop culture trivia questions for a chance to win Rs 3 lakh as a cash prize every day.
“This is our first official show in India and we are excited to see how it will enable users to engage better and bring communities together around exceptional, interactive video experiences on Facebook,” said Manish Chopra, Director, and Head of Partnerships, Facebook.

Starting June 12, the interactive show will air from Wednesday to Sunday on Facebook’s dedicated video platform – Facebook Watch, the company said in a statement.
The announcement was made in Mumbai on the sidelines of Facebook’s Social Entertainment Summit.

Exclusive to Facebook Watch, the show is already available in other parts of the world including Canada, the UK, Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
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