To ensure uninterrupted functioning of the app in areas of low networks, Instagram announced a data-saver feature for Android users.

The feature would neither preload videos nor download high-resolution images, unless the user chooses, giving people the ability to control their data usage on Instagram and increase the speed for loading images.
“With this data saver feature, we’re hoping for an uninterrupted Instagram experience in slow network areas, which in turn will increase people’s interactions with their friends and family,” Manish Chopra, Director, and Head of Partnerships, Facebook India, said in a statement.
How to activate the data-saver feature on Instagram

The first step is to go to the ‘Settings’ menu and selecting ‘Account’.
select ‘Cellular Data Use’ from the list of options to activate this feature.
Following this, choose either ‘Never, ‘Wi-Fi Only,’ or ‘Cellular + Wi-Fi’ for photos and videos.

Accordingly, Instagram will preload videos or download high-res images. The data-saver feature would be available globally for Android users and would roll out slowly over the course of a week, Instagram said.
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