Man accidentally swallows AirPod while sleeping, but still magically worked in his stomach. An x-ray confirmed that the AirPod was still in the man’s stomach and was passing through his digestive system. He was told that surgery would be an alternative plan if the situation doesn’t get resolve naturally.

In an unusual event last week, a man accidentally swallowed Apple’s wireless AirPods while sleeping and those still worked in his stomach. According to The Daily Mail report (via 9to5mac), a Taiwanese man, Ben Hsu, reported that he swallowed his AirPod wireless headphones accidentally while he was asleep and was unable to find one of them when he woke up.

“The battery was still at 41 percent! It was incredible,” Ben said. He called his experience with the Apple product “magical”.

As crazy as it sounds, one can appreciate Apple for the quality of its products. Having said that, the situation could have gone worse, as these come with an inbuilt battery and could have exploded in his stomach. Apple AirPods are not waterproof and the company advises users to keep them away from liquids.

Doctors explained that “because of the plastic shell around the AirPod, the risk of it causing him harm in a similar way to swallowing a regular lithium-ion battery is much lower.”

When Ben started to look for the AirPod using an iPhone tracking feature, he discovered the device was still in the room and he could hear its beeping sound. “I checked under my blanket and looked around but couldn’t find it – then I realized the sound was coming from my stomach,” Ben Hsu told The Daily Mail.

Reportedly, Ben went to a hospital where an x-ray confirmed that the AirPod was still in his stomach and was passing through his digestive system. He was told that surgery would be an alternative plan if the situation doesn’t get resolve naturally. Doctors gave him a laxative and told him to inspect his waste for any sign of the device. And thankfully for him, the AirPod was eliminated from his body, and to everyone’s surprise, it was still working with 41 percent battery left.