Apple may plan to release the iOS 14.7 update very soon as the company reveals the patch notes and release the candidate versions to developers.
We’ve all seen iOS 15 and its promise of a more private and connected iPhone experience, but before iOS 15 hits its iPhone in September, Apple has planned one final major update to the old iOS 14, which will be beta testing over a period of time and based on recent activity at Apple, it looks like this patch will be released to the public soon.
Unlike the iOS 15 update, iOS 14.7 doesn’t bring any major breakthrough features to the table, but mainly fixes bugs and issues with previous versions of iOS 14. Audio playback on Apple Music. In addition, Apple has added support for the new MagSafe iPhone 12 series battery.

iOS 14.7 update could release soon
If you’re experiencing any of the bugs in the previous version of iOS 14.6 and you’re quickly looking for the next update, here are Apple’s release notes.
-Compatibility of the MagSafe battery for iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max
– Apple Card Family adds the option to combine credit limits and share one co-owned account with an existing Card user
– Home app adds the ability to manage timers on
– Air quality information is now available in Weather and Maps for Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, South Korea, and Spain
– Podcasts library allows you to choose to see all shows or only followed shows
– Share playlist menu option missing in Apple Music
– Dolby Atmos and Music lossless audio playback may unexpectedly stop
– Battery service message that may have disappeared after reboot on some iPhone 11 models is restored
– Braille displays could show invalid information while composing Mail messages
With iOS 14.7, Apple will continue the development cycle of iOS 14 and move on to the update of iOS 15. If the public version shows bugs or problems, Apple will of course publish fixes in the form of patches in iOS 14. Expected to be around the same time as the next-gen iPhones for 2021, it is expected to be named iPhone 12S or iPhone 13 (the latter is more likely), this year’s model is expected to bring drastic changes to the standard as the Pro models will the design is likely to experience some changes for the vanilla versions as well.
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