Every year at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference, the corporate launches a replacement version of the Apple Watch’s watchOS, showing off the awesome new software features which will be expected when the software is released within the fall. This year is not any different — and that we have a reasonably good idea on what watchOS 8, the subsequent version of the software, will appear as if.
The new OS doesn’t necessarily represent a serious overhaul for watchOS, but it does bring a variety of handy new features that would make using your Apple Watch that extra bit easier. It’s currently publicly beta — meaning that while you’ll technically install it on your Apple Watch if you would like, it’s still buggy, and will cause your device to act in ways in which you wouldn’t expect. In other words, you almost certainly shouldn’t install it yet.
Interested in learning more? Here’s everything you would like to understand about watchOS 8.
The best new features in watchOS 8
Apple’s watchOS 8 brings a series of latest features that make the Apple Watch experience better than ever. Here’s a rundown of the awesome new features that will accompany watchOS 8.
Health tracking

As you’d expect, the remake of watchOS 8 brings a variety of the latest health and fitness features. that creates the device a far better fitness tracker than ever. For starters, there are new workout types — including Pilates and t’ai chi. Not only that, but sleep tracking is recuperating too. Now, when sleeping, the Apple Watch will calculate the rate of respiration, which metrics are going to be listed within the Health app.

The Breathe app is getting rebranded for watchOS 8. Now, the feature will sleep in the new Mindfulness app, which can also offer a Reflect feature that helps users better establish meditation habits. The feature also comes with visualizations, and it’ll hook up with your pulse to point out a mind-body connection.
The Wallet app is getting variety of upgrades on both the iPhone and Apple Watch. In watchOS 8, the Wallet app will now support different sorts of keys, including car keys and house keys — so you’ll tap to unlock HomeKit-connected devices. variety of lock brands will support this feature.
Some hotels also will offer iPhone and Apple Watch integration, so you’ll use your device to unlock your room. Some U.S. states also will support driver’s licenses and other IDs.
Like all of Apple’s new operating systems, the Apple Watch will support Focus, which allows users to line profiles, and obtain notifications that supported what they’re doing. So, for instance, you’ll set a piece Focus, which can only let in work emails and messages, and people from your immediate family. Not only that, but the feature supports custom Focuses too.
Watch faces

The Apple Watch will get a couple of awesome new watch faces too. of these new faces, perhaps the headline new watch face is that the new Photos watch face, which may pull data from Portrait Mode photos, and make a multi-layered face which will give way time. It’s pretty cool.

The Home app is getting a refresh in watchOS 8 too. The remake of the app is meant to form it easier to regulate devices, plus it prioritizes devices that are activated. for instance, if someone rings the doorbell, your device will suggest controlling things sort of a lock or outdoor lights.
WatchOS 8 also suggests scenes to activate at different times of the day, and people scenes and accessories are often organized by room.
Find My
There’s a replacement Find My app on the Apple Watch, allowing you to seek out your missing devices without necessarily needing an iPhone. Find My generally has been coming to more and more devices, so it’s nice to ascertain it is available on the Apple Watch.
Should I install watchOS 8?
As mentioned, watchOS 8 is currently publicly beta — which suggests that it’s not yet ready for a full release, and remains beating tweaked and developed. Usually, we only recommend tech-savvy users with a spare Apple Watch install the beta, considering that it could behave strangely, and even render your device useless — though that’s rare.
Of course, over the course of the beta process, watchOS 8 will get more and more stable, and eventually be ready for the general public. When watchOS 8 is released to the general public, we recommend installing it.
Which Apple Watch models support watchOS 8?
Interested in getting the advantages of watchOS 8 but don’t know if your Apple Watch supports it? Here’s the complete list of Apple Watch models which will support watchOS 8.
Apple Watch Series 3
Apple Watch Series 4
Apple Watch Series 5
Apple Watch SE
Apple Watch Series 6
Of course, the Apple Watch Series 7 will accompany watchOS 8 out of the box.
When will watchOS 8 be released?
There are two answers to the present question. the primary is that watchOS 8 is already available — but it’s only available as a part of a public beta, and as a result, shouldn’t be downloaded by average users.
Apple usually releases its software to the general public alongside new devices. As a result, watchOS 8 will likely be released alongside the Apple Watch Series 7 within the fall. Apple usually holds its fall hardware events sometime around mid-September, and that’s likely to stay true this year.
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