Japan is a long-ago country with a fascinating history and culture.
Foreigners are also kept out of Japan, which is why so many tourists are drawn to these remote islands.
Because of its proximity, the modern Japanese way of life and culture differs significantly from that of the United States and Europe.
Here are some actual facts about Japan that you probably don’t know!
#1. There are no janitors in Japan.

Japan’s streets are extremely clean; even in Tokyo, the country’s capital and a large megacity, all of the streets are spotless and litter-free.
But, without janitors, how does Japan manage this?
It all boils down to how they think. People in Japan rarely throw trash on the streets.
Furthermore, young and old volunteers clean the streets just because they desire to live in a clean city.
Volunteer work might help you get work in Japan as a motivation!
If an employer notices that you have previously volunteered to clean the streets, you will be perceived as a responsible person and will be hired fast.
#2. 98.5% of Japans population is Japanese.

Due to the mixing of cultures in today’s world, the world is becoming increasingly international.
However, this is not the case in Japan, where staying in the country is difficult due to exceedingly difficult visas and a cultural ethos that discourages migrants.
On the one hand, it maintains this unique and ancient culture with traditional traditions, but is being so cut off from the rest of the world and migrants harmful for them?
Is it really necessary for Japan to have them? The answer will be revealed in the next fact!
#3. In Japan, 25% of the population is above the age of 65.

Japan is currently experiencing severe population challenges.
Many Japanese individuals choose not to have children since it is so difficult to pay for their children’s necessities, such as schools, medical, and extracurricular activities.
It’s been this way for a long time, and today more than a quarter of the population is 65 or older.
Immigrants who don’t mind integrating and want to start a family are the answer to this problem.
The Japanese government is now attempting to “open” the country to immigrants in order to develop the economy.
#4. You are permitted to sleep at work.

Many people have heard that Japanese folks work extremely long days.
Officially, they work 8-hour days like the rest of the world, but in Japan, staying for extra hours is seen as a sign of willingness to work.
This includes working while sleeping!
Sleeping during the workday is considered a sign of excessive hard labor in Japan.
Even though Japanese companies do the same amount of work as Americans or Europeans, workers postpone their tasks until evening to stay at work and show their willingness to work.
It may appear strange, yet this is the Japanese reality.
#5. Donald McDonald is Ronald McDonald’s real name.

Ronald McDonald, the key mascot for one of the world’s largest fast-food restaurants, McDonald’s, is one of the most famous clowns in the world.
Surprisingly, the letter “R” does not appear in Japanese enunciation.
To get around this, Japan just changed its name to Donald McDonald instead of giving our favorite figure a new name.
#6. Japan is the last country to have the title of empire.

Many former empires and kingdoms, such as Spain, England, and Sweden, have evolved into republics or constitutional monarchies.
However, that is not a Japanese variety.
Although this country is the only constitutional empire with an Emperor, there is no difference between a constitutional monarchy and a constitutional empire, to be honest.
In such countries, the king or emperor still has limited power and influence.
#7. Dolphins are eaten by the Japanese.

In this country, eating dolphins is commonplace. It is regarded as commonplace as fish or meat, nothing unusual or unusual in the eyes of Westerners.
This flesh is used to make soups or “kusiyaki” in Japan, or it can be eaten raw as sashimi.
Dolphins generate flesh that has a special flavour and is unlike that of other fish.
#8. Vases with umbrellas can be found on the streets.

Vases with umbrellas can be found on many streets in Japan, so if it starts raining, you can take one.
You’ll need to return it to any other vase once you’re through.
Because the majority of Japanese people are trustworthy, they would never steal one.
#9. There are Cat Islands in Japan!

That’s right, the fluffy felines have taken over entire islands.
Although there are many “Cat Islands” along Japan’s coastline and even inland saline water lakes, the most well-known cat island is Aoshima, which is located in the Ehime prefecture.
Tashiro-Jima is the island with the most cats, but as the notion becomes more famous as a tourist attraction, additional islands are becoming cat havens.
#10. Many words in the Japanese language are untranslatable.

For example, “komorebi” means “sunlight flowing through leaves.”
It’s an odd word, but there are plenty more if you start learning Japanese.
In addition, the words “idiot” and “fool” are the most powerful curses in the Japanese language.
Another fascinating aspect is slang. In slang, “gaijin” refers to a foreigner, “Baka” to a fool, and “Baka-gaijin” to an American.
That concludes our list of the top ten facts about Japan. If you’re planning a vacation to Japan in the future, you’ll be glad to know that you now have some cultural references. Alternatively, perhaps one of these facts will entice you to visit!
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