Google’s latest Avengers: Endgame-theme Easter egg has a cool surprise for you. Here’s how it works.
Google has joined the Avengers: Endgame frenzy with a pretty cool trick.

If you search ‘Thanos’ on Google and click on his Infinity Stone-studded gauntlet, you will see search results wiped out with ‘snap of a finger’. Even the search results counter goes down, precisely to half while the page automatically moves up and down.

To undo Thanos’ destruction, simply click on the gauntlet again. You will see Thanos using the Time Stone to restore the search results. It’d been pretty cool if the gauntlet was capable of summoning other Infinity Stones as well.

It’s not the first time Google has slipped such Easter egg within its search results. For instance, you can simply search ‘do a barrel roll’ to see the entire web page flipping in 360-degrees. Similarly, you can search ‘askew’ to have the slanted web layout. Video game fans can search for ‘zerg rush’. Some of the popular Google search Easter eggs are ‘recursion’, ‘anagram’ and ‘once in a blue moon’.

Google’s new Easter egg works on select browsers, including its own Google Chrome. The feature also works on the desktop version of Chrome.
Click once again on gauntlet it will amaze you again by giving back all the things .